
The servings in Montenegro are huge and delicious, so make sure you loosen your belt when dining here. The food is fresh, organic and flavorsome.

The coastal cuisine if full of fish, seafood, and olive oil, flavored with bay leaves, parsley, lemon and garlic. Mouthwatering fish soup, grilled squids, fish and octopus are a must-try, so is the seafood risotto and squid-ink-colored black risotto.

The “Old Montenegro” flavor inhabits central part of the country which is dominated by the taste of smoked ham (pršut), Njeguški cheese and Skadar Lake dishes, such as eel and smoked carp. In here you can ask for King Nikola’s pancakes, made from corn flour, filled with walnuts and local honey, and sprinkled with sauce made from dried plums cooked in wine. Yum!

In the mountains, food is heavier, providing energy for cold winter nights. Meat and vegetables are roasted under a metal lid covered with hot coal “ispod sača”. Lamb cooked this way is a must-order delicacy that goes so well with homemade crispy bread. Kačamak is a polenta-based dish mixed with potato, cheese and kajmak (similar to thick cream), and is a must for keeping the energy up for mountain hikes. Try it. It’s made only in Montenegrin mountains and goes well with homemade sour milk.