
Considering the variety of the offer and a great choice of various kinds of trading activities, which today exist in Ulcinj, that town has not only, because of its rich merchandising tradition, which for centuries has relied on the development of sailing in this areas, developed into a town which apart from tourism is considered also a trading town. About those characteristic of the town today, testify numerous stores in which various kind of souvenirs, objects that emit the spirit of Orient are being sold. The shops in which you can buy a silver tray, small saucer, a copper or some other water pot, a classical Turkish coffeepot or some other interesting object, are very numerous in both Old and in new part of Ulcinj. The craftworks used to be and still are developed in Ulcinj. In the craftwork shops you can buy items made of leather, of imitation of leather, some kind of nicest linen, silk but mostly the numerous shops are the jewelry shops.

Jewelers of Ulcinj are far famous, not only for the quality of manufacture of valuable jewelry made of gold, white gold, silver or platinum, but also by very accessible prices. While you walk down the streets of the Old or new Ulcinj, you’ll find your look often stuck by something. Watching some beautiful ring, necklace or bracelet, you maybe decide yourself for an unplanned shopping of a decorative detail, which can be a nice motive that when you think of Ulcinj some nice sense of joy overwhelms you. There are also shops in which as souvenirs are sold different kinds of traditional Montenegrin or Albanian folk costume like hats, blouses or other clothing items.

In certain shops you can also buy several kinds of different scarves or sashes, which remind on details of the traditional female Muslim costumes, which beside silk blouses and pantaloons include obligatory scarves in light colors.

Still, you can experience the true sense of the Orient, except on the streets of Ulcinj, during the visit to Ulcinj market placed in the Old town. You’ll be impressed by the motley ness of colors and loud conversation, as well as skilful persuasion of the old Ulcinj merchandisers who are trying to find the market for the autochthon products like: olives, olive oil, cheese, oranges, or dried figs. Apart from the above-mentioned in Ulcinj market you can buy fresh fruit and vegetables but also sea, lake and river fish, and a special specialty is traditionally smoked beef meat so called “sudzuk” (sausage).

Even if you do not want anything special to buy in Ulcinj market, your stroll across that part of town, will be colorfully supplemented by meetings with young or old Ulcinj women that are walking dressed in blouses and wide skirts – pantaloons (“dimije”), wearing on their feet some sandals or flat shoes and sometimes even real wooden slippers. Skillfully covered with a kerchief of various colors, carrying a golden necklace on which you can see pendants like ducats, young women shyly hide their faces from the looks of men, which by all means another trait of the Orient tradition.

But, that is only one side of Ulcinj. On the other side there are numerous boutiques, shops or mini department stores, which testify about the development of Ulcinj in a modern tourist and trading town. In various shops or stores, spread all over town, you can buy most recent pieces of clothes or a pair of the most recently designed sandals, shoes or slippers, of leading European and world fashion designers. Show – windows of the arranged boutiques and department stores will attract your attention, so thrilled with the colors, pattern and the quality of the clothes you’ll be hardly able to resist shopping. Along with the cloth items of the leading Italian and French fashion experts, Ulcinj stores offer a great assortment and the newest bathing suits for women, men and children. Also, beside the specialized female, a certain number of stores are intended for men and children.

In Ulcinj there are numerous cosmeticians, hair, and beauty saloons, commissions, photo shops, souvenir shops, art workshops or small ateliers like galleries…

Beside the fact that you will not be able to immediately decide which souvenir to choose, among great number of them: diverse jewelry, paintings, pirate ship models, nice cloth garment – we are sure that the shopping in Ulcinj will refine you and very quickly make a skillful and demanding buyer.