
Durmitor belongs to high mountain dome of north of Montenegro. On one side karsts Piva surface stretches on the height from 1.500 to 1.600 meters of height above the sea level. Edge parts are deep incised by the canyons of Piva, Susica, and Komarnica making this area a real challenge for all adventurers. By its inapproachability and unreal beauty canyon Nevidio stands out. About 1.000 meters deep, and only one meter wide. This part is characteristic for the rich and diverse floral cover not characteristic for karts areas. Often during the summer you will come across the herds and Sheppard who are in “summer pasture homes”. The very summer pasture homes are interesting for its infrastructure – the wall is made of pure stone, the roofs are steep, and covered with “sindra” (wooden board, wooden tiles), and often it is also made of tile lime stones. Lake surface which stretches on the east side of Durmitor is rich with, as its name tells us, glacial lake. This area is somewhat tamer, richer with water and vegetation, so the settlements here are more frequent. One of them, the highest small town on the Balkans – Zabljak, quickly developed and used the natural beauty to attract both domestic and foreign tourists.

Durmitor Mountain
Durmitor Mountain

Durmitor is also the biggest mountain of Dinar massif. It includes the north and north – west part of Montenegro and further on it connects with the Herzegovina Mountains. The rocks and stone peaks, which rise above numerous valleys, dominate the massif, precipices and abysses, which are often full of eternal snow and ice. About 15 summits, with the height above 2.000 meters dominate the landscape and leave the impression on the visitor such as the one in Alpes. Bobotov kuk with the height of 2.523 meters is the highest Durmitor summit. Among people it is know also as Cirova pecina (CIRO’S CAVE), and the first man to climb on it was Austrian Oscar Bauman. The sight that goes from this summit goes hundreds of kilometers around connecting on one side Mediterranean in the south, and high highland of the continental Balkans on the north on the other side. For the climb to Bobotov kuk it takes several hours with the company of expert and trained guide who know the area, not just because of the safety, but also because of the need to get to know every corner of the mountain, to hear some of the numerous legends, and experience in the right way all those elements of nature which have piled themselves here as on a small planet to contribute to the impression. Ravines, glacial lakes, circs, crags intersect the steep mountain sometimes making it even a little bit unconquerable. But, even when you think that the life here is not possible you will see in front of yourself some of the summer pasture lodgments close to the jungle making this fascinating and unreal sight remain in your memory as long as you live. Often for Bobotv kuk it is said that it looks like a Montenegrin peasant house in the shape of a pyramid. But, Bobotov kuk is not lonely in its beauty and impression. There are also Bezimeni vrh (NAMELESS SUMMIT 2.484 m), Medjed (BEAR 2.280 m) that raises above Black lake, then Sljeme (2.477 m), and Savin kuk, extremely popular and approachable which raises at the height of 2.312 m. It is said that Savina voda (SAVA’S WATER), the well that you can find here, is healing. Of other summits Minin bogaz, Terin bogaz (path), and Crvena greda stand out, all with the height of over 2.000 meters. The climbs on the summits mostly demand a good physical preparation and several hours of usually strenuous walk. Still, each of this efforts is worth while entirely especially if you know that in August you will come across some places on which you can ski, where in a small place you wills several times come across the clean wells of mountain water from which you can drink, and that you will meet floral and animal kinds of which some Durmitor selfishly keeps as their last habitat on the planet.

Sedlo, Durmitor
Sedlo, Durmitor

Municipality Zabljak, rich with beauties is one of the most attractive areas not just in Montenegro, but also in the entire former Yugoslavia, while Durmitor is considered to be one of the most beautiful National parks.

Its allures on 36 ha make a strong impression on every visitor, and the entire area is a real small paradise for the development of summer, winter, hunting and some other tourism. Recognizing tourism and ecological existence as its two most important guidelines Montenegro has opened a perspective of development of Durmitor area, offering mountain sights, the deepest world canyons, and glacial lakes to all those who wish to experience unique and preserved nature in the heart of Europe. Zabljak is a famous mountain seat and climate-healing place with extraordinarily distinguished continental climate. It is located in the highland in the immediate vicinity of the mountain massif of Durmitor. It is surrounded by thick pastures, glacial lakes, pine forests which are hard to find anywhere else in the Europe. Zabljak offers clean air, numerous wells of transparent mountain water, comfortable accommodation, giving you all pre-conditions for the rest in silence of thick fir trees.

The climate varies from continental to alpine one. For four months the town is under the snow cover, which is bigger than 15 cm., the summers are relatively short and fresh, and the winters are long and cold.

As the biggest lodgment of mountain area of Durmitor, Zabljak is a great place from which you can go in a tour of sightseeing of beauties of this mountain and its interesting corners. Beside Zabljak in this area there are several other smaller lodgments, of typically mountain type, specific architecture, as well as of purpose – as a kettle breeding area Durmitor is rich with summer pastures, summer lodgments for kettle breeders. The Municipality Zabljak has great complexes of forests on about 15.000 ha whose bio diversity is famous in continental proportions. Zabljak has also a seat of National park Durmitor, which because of its spaciousness stretches also over the Municipalities of Pljevlja, Mojkovac, Pluzine, and Savnik.

Durmitor area and Zabljak are extremely rich with waters. The rivers which intersect this area sre Tara, Komarnica, and there is a range of water flows, such as Susica, Potoka, Draga, and others. The valley of Tara, which springs under the mountain of Komovi, is considered to be the most beautiful river valley in Europe. It goes through Kolasin and Mojkovac, and the more it comes to its mouth, in its lower flow it deeply snicks the surrounding hills, creating a canyon whose height goes over 1.000 meters. With its rapids it attacks Sinjajevina, goes under the impressive bridge on Djurdjevica Tara, sparingly slows down at Pirlitor, goes around the massif of Durmitor, and continues to Scepan polje, affiliating with river Piva. Beside the exquisite beauty Tara offers itself to kayak sport as few other destinations in Europe. From its length of 140 km on the 78th kilometer, from Proscenje to Scepan polje with its canyon, the longest and the deepest in Europe, and second largest in the world, Tara is becoming a natural phenomenon, so it is no wonder why it is found under the protection of UNESCO since 1980. 1.300 meters deep canyon at the mountain wreath Obzor wakes in men the greatest respect towards the nature. They call it the Tear of Europe because of cleanness ad beauty all along its flow.

Black Lake, Durmitor Mountain
Black Lake, Durmitor Mountain

The great number of lakes on Durmitor are of glacial origins. Prime, by its beauty and attractiveness by all means has Black lake, made of two water surfaces – of small and of the big lake. These two parts are connected with the lake narrowness, which is called Struga. Black lake is found in the heart of the conifer forest and even though it seems as if it is found hundreds of kilometers far away from any kind of settlement, you will reach it in just a few minutes starting from the hotel Durmitor. The lake itself is found at the height of 1442 meters above the sea level, it has the surface of 515.000 m2, and its maximal depth is about 25 meters, even though in the early summer months this figure can sometimes go up to 40 meters, when the level of water rises. Not far from the lake there is a spring of cold drinking water. In the surrounding of the lake you can camp, and the lake itself is rich with dish especially trout, making this impression complete. The ride with the boat over the lake is relaxing and extremely pleasant.

From the lake through the thick conifer wood go mountain paths further on towards the Zmijinje lake and Jablan’s lake. The lakes are a synonym for this area and they have always been an inspiration, a place for gathering or the object of researches. Barno (BOGGY), Modro (INDIGO), Valovito (BILLOWY), Veliko (BIG), and Malo (Small) Skrcko, and other lakes are called Gorske oci (ALPINE EYES), and they are a part of the National park Durmitor. Totally 18 lakes, each a world for itself are a sufficient invitation to visit this area and to enjoy in the colors which retract under the alpine sun, emitting the reflection from the surface of the lake towards the sky. Each of them with its story and legend are worthwhile of your visit. Vrazije lake (DEVIL’S LAKE), know for the leged about the horse with the wings, from whom Jabucilo with wings was created, the horse of Duke Momcilo, is just one in the range of Durmitor’s Alpine eyes. Srablje and Barno lake are considered to be healing because of its water. Of other lakes Zeleni vir (GREEN WHIRLPOOL), Suva lokva (DRY PUDDLE), and Zabojsko Lake especially stand out with its beauty.

Skrcko Lake, Durmitor
Skrcko Lake, Durmitor

Durmitor also advances in the richness with flora and fauna. Endemic kinds and extremely rare species make this area equally interesting for scientists, devotees to the nature, and for amateurs. The forests of the black pine in certain places are over 400 years old, and the trunks rise up to the height of over 50 meters.

Forest potential in the area of Durmitor is huge. Forest communities that dominate in the area of National park are the forests of pine, and spruce fir, then beech tree, forest of black hornbeam and others. Some of the forest communities are under a strict protection of the state. 5 areas especially stand out here – Crna poda, with the trees which are over 400 years old, then canyon of Susica, which is dominated by the beech and maple, and several other areas in which one can find some rare kinds of deciduous and conifer forests.

Of endemic kinds on the slopes of Durmitor you will come across the Mountain maple (acer heldreichii), Montenegrin bell-flower (edraianthus montenegrinus Horak), gentian (gentiana laevicalix Rohl), Durmitor mullein (verbascum durmitoreum Rohl). With the law about protection of nature numerous species have been protected of which 122 of them are endemic kinds. A real enjoyment will be the wild fruit, which is attainable to all visitors of the mountain.

The animal world of this area is very rich. Only in the area of Durmitor and the canyon of Tara there are over 163 kinds of birds, of whom majority of them are on the list of protected species. We will name only some of them: golden eaglets (aquila chrysaeots), Griffon Vulture (gyps fulvus), Common Raven (corvus corax) – one of the most endangered species of our ornithological fauna, dubrocopus lilifordi, etc. On Durmitor you will also be able to see lynx, wolf, bear, chamois, doe, and even the dark skunk. The rivers of this area are rich with trout, char and pilchard. Over 40 kinds of edible mushrooms grow in the area of Durmitor. That is why the lover of mushrooms use the opportunity to fulfill their vacation with the interesting collecting and preparation of edible kinds of mushrooms.

Ice cave that is located under the summit Obla glava,, at the height of 2100 meters of height above the sea level is approachable for all visitors. Stalactites and stalagmites in which you can enjoy even during the summer make this cave one of the most beautiful ones in the entire Europe. On Durmitor during the whole year in certain areas the snow is kept, such as for example in the area of Velika kalica, where you can ski even during the summer.