
National Park Lovcen is located in rocky region of Dinara Alps. Slopes of Mountain Lovcen steeply, rise from coastal region of Budva and west part of Cetinje. Park is bordered on South with highway Budva – Cetinje and on North with old Kotor road. “Black Mountain”, after which Montenegro got its name, rises to 1749 meters of altitude. Park is 6220 acres large. Office of the Park is at Cetinje.

History of flora and fauna plays important role in National Park Lovcen who with nine different habitats at a very small space. So large number of habitats is result in large diversity of flora and fauna. There are 2000 plants in the Park. This abundance of life is result of extreme altitudes and under influence of two climate zones: Mediterranean and Continental. Their combination at such small space is cause of creation of unique habitat.

Njegos Mausoleum, Lovcen Mountain, Cetinje
Njegos Mausoleum, Lovcen Mountain, Cetinje

In this Park is mausoleum of Montenegrin ruler and poet Petar II Petrovic Njegos. That imposing building with 461 stairs that lead from parking lot to mausoleum itself. Its building started in 1951 and was open for public in 1974. All region of mountain Lovcen Montenegrins consider sacred. As verses from famous song say “Lovcen is our Holy altar”. Lovcen is symbol of Montenegro and gives it national identity. Shortly what is Statue of Liberty for Americans that is mountain Lovcen for Montenegrins.


This region is witness of coming and flow of history from Illyrians, Romans to arrival of Slav Tribes. Cetinje became stronghold of Christianity and capital of Montenegro never conquered by Turks. In 1885 relics of Petar II were moved to top of mountain Lovcen into al little church. During WWII Austrian soldiers destroyed the church and Prince’s body was for safekeeping relocated. New church was built at the same place and Prince’s relics were moved to it. Plan on building of mausoleum was approved and building started in 1951. Construction lasted 23 years and this building was open for public in 1974.

Recreational activities

The most popular sport at high snowy slopes is Nordic skiing. Other popular activities are hiking and walking through the Park. There is also small adventure park located in Ivanova Korita.

History of the Park

This Park is over 50 years old and in hearts of Montenegrins for centuries arise strong emotions. Petar II one from last great Montenegrin dynasty Petrovic that lived in nearby village (that is in VI zone of the Park) wrote: “Proud Lovcen Mountain, head above clouds higher under you proudly considers all marvelous nature creates”.

Transport and connection

Much bus traffic is among Cetinje, Bar, Budva and Podgorica. It is possible to hire a taxi that transports passengers to the Park. For visit of the Park most guests use own or rented cars.

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