
The monastery Praskvica is located on the hill above Milocer and not far from the well-known Sveti Stefan (St. Stephen). According to the tradition, it was founded in 1050, though the first reliable data about it date from 1307 when the Serbian king Milutin visited Kotor. This monastery got its name by the nearby spring whose water smells on peaches, and which people from this area calls “praske”. The oldest written records in which the monastery Praskvica is mentioned dates from 1413 and it relates on the gifts which Zeta ruler Balsa III gave to the monastery. Main monastery church of Sveti Nikola (St. Nicolas) dates from XV century of which we have the testimony in this parchment. On its remains in XIX century a bigger edifice was built which in has inside it the remains of the frescoes from the old church. The second monastery edifice is located on a hill and is dedicated to Sveta Trojica (Saint Trinity) and it dates from XVII century. Its biggest artistic values are painting of frescoes, which were done by zoographic painter Radul, as well as the gilded iconostasis of Dimitrije Dasjak from XVII century.

As a part of the monastery there are also sleeping quarters and a former school in which monks from Pastrovici in the past though children literacy. The church was significantly damaged in the earthquake in 1979 but it was restored and many relics, icons, old manuscripts and other documents are kept in it. Also in this monastery you can find the manuscript Gospel in silver covers which, as the legend says Bishop Danilo gave to people from Pastrovici. What can be interesting for visitors is also a great stone table on which Great Pastrovici court called “Bankada” used to hold sessions.

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