
In almost all tourist restaurant facilities along the Budva Riviera, at any time day or night you can enjoy in numerous domestic cuisine specialties.

If you are a guest that is for the first time visiting Montenegro or Budva, the heads of the house will welcome you with fritters (sweet small round sweet) and homemade honey with the domestic brandy, made of the first class grape, often on the table you will find dried figs, that were picked in the previous summer, dried on the sun and in the wind, of very sweet taste and alluring scent.

Dried Figs
Dried Figs

If your visit to Budva is longer than just a passing by, we are sure that you won’t go back to the country from which you are coming without trying the domestic smoked ham (dried pork meat) or domestic goat or cow cheese, and special cheese that is kept in the olive oil. The mentioned supplies are both tasty food and a pleasure for your eyes, especially when all those scents and tastes are found in one place, nicely served with some leaf of green salad, parsley, green and black olives, surrounded by the bottles and glasses of the original red vine like: “Krtsac”, “Procorden”, or white vine “Krstac”.

Traditional Montenegrin Appetizer
Traditional Montenegrin Appetizer

Already after a several days of your staying, you must not forget the fact that you are on the Mediterranean, and that the cuisine in Budva is traditionally and mostly coastal. As the sea aquatorium is rich with fish, unavoidably you have to try at least some of the sea fruits like for e.g. octopus salad, black rice, mussels in a sauce, dentex, or some other fish on the grill. Scented branches of the rosemary, chopped parsley, garlic, lime, and great amounts of olive oil are the basic ingredients for the just caught fish to be tastefully prepared.

The choice of the restaurants, hotels or other facilities in which you will enjoy trying the sea fruits we leave to you.

Romantic Evening with Red Wine on Montenegro Coast
Romantic Evening with Red Wine on Montenegro Coast

Still, it is up to us to briefly remind you that the fish is swimming three times: first in the sea, then in the oil, and just then it swims in vine. With various kinds of fishes various vines are suitable, but we will leave that to the skilful gastronome in Budva Riviera. Whatever drink you choose, you will traditionally have to give a toast to yourself and the others, for good health, luck, advancement in work, and maybe even for the new encounter with Budva Riviera, who knows…