
Your visit to the Old town in Kotor can be supplemented with the visit of the Maritime museum, which is found on the Square of the Boka fleet. Whoever you ask or in whatever part of Kotor you are, and you ask someone about the Maritime museum, you will quickly get the information and come to the desired location.

Sailing in Kotor began to develop during the middle century, and the record of that is the narrative of the foundation of the fraternity of Kotor seaman, Boka fleet, in IX century. The memories on those long gone days and years, on the successes of the famous Kotor seaman, artists, ship builders, crafts man, states man, and diplomats, intermediaries between west and east, are today kept in the Maritime museum in Kotor, which is situated in the baroque palace Grgurin, and with due respect it preserves the fame of Boka and Boka navy. In the museum among other things one can find portraits of the famous captains, models of old galleys and sail boats, navigational instruments, and other very valuable exponents.

In the hole of the museum one can see six bronze tables in relief, on which the most important events and personalities from the tumultuous history of Kotor are displayed. Also, the museum has exhibited geographic maps, engravings and aquarelles of the coastal towns. There is also an ethnographic collection, which testifies of the golden age of Kotor navigation from XVI to XVIII century. In Kotor maritime museum a copy of the oldest document about the navigation in the areas of Boka dating from 1168, is being preserved.

Simply told in Maritime museum in Kotor all the treasure of our sea is exhibited. That treasure protects maritime traditions from oblivion, and connects the sea in Kotor with their people, famous seaman, who have sailed from it towards the far away seas. Next to the very entrance in the medieval palace Grgurin, there are two small cannons, which are symbols of the constant battle of the Boka seaman and pirates.

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