
Kotor has many small shops and boutiques scattered around the old town. There is also one large shopping mall located just outside of old town gates.

Shopping centre Kamelija is a modern, elegantly stylish and friendly place. Its architectural design is in accordance with all UNESCO standards and provisions, and thus it combines traditional and modern features. Shopping Centre Kamelija is easily accessible, comprising 120 parking lots, a ground-floor and additional two floors. You can find out more on the shopping centre kamelia website.

Within the old town you can find smaller shops, and vendors that are offering footwear and clothes of the renowned European and world designers and creators. The largest number of boutiques offers almost all pieces of fashion clothes of mostly Italian fashion designing firms. The appearance and the offer in the boutiques are on a very high level. Kotor boutiques give the appearance of the harmony in the choice of patterns of the clothes, material and they show us the skill of the trading, as if it were a craft, which has for years been done in the Old town. The consumers of all ages and tastes in Kotor shops can find almost everything that is necessary for a nice, decent and modern appearance.

Except the boutiques and shops for clothes, in the old town you also can find a great number of souvenir shops, photo shops, jewelry shop, book shops, antique shops, shops of mixed goods, hairdresser saloons, and beauty saloons, barber shops, cafés, pizzerias, pastry shops etc…

On the second entrance into the Old town, just across the Kotor Riva and harbor we can find Kotor market. Since forever that place was intended for the exchange and barter of various goods and merchandise. Today on that market mostly fruits, vegetables, and fish are sold, but also the stands with the costume jewelry and other trifles are inevitable.