
What Kotor is most famous for is the old town St Tryphon Cathedral, or just Kotor Cathedral. That temple is mentioned for the first time in IX century, when the relics of the St. Tryphon, who died in martyrdom in the era of the Roman emperor Decije, in the III century, were brought in it. The chroniclers testify that that temple most probably disappeared in the fire, in the X century, and it was rebuilt in the XII century. The cathedral of St. Tryphon was built in the Romanic style, with the elements of the Byzantium architecture. It survived several earthquakes, so its appearance also changed. Especially visible on the cathedral are the elements of renascence and baroque. European Union and organization Europa Nostra, gave in the year 2002 to the cathedral a diploma for the great reconstruction and great seismic security measures of the oldest Romanic cathedral on the Adriatic coast. As the most important monument and symbol of the Old town, the cathedral of St. Tryphon, ahs a rich treasury of the precious tings among which we have: a gilded altar, baroque frescoes, and a great number of ornaments of great value.

St. Tryphon Cathedral in Kotor
St. Tryphon Cathedral in Kotor

The church of St Nicholas is the most significant Orthodox Church in Kotor. It is located in the North part of the town; it was built at the beginning of the XX century, on the basis of the old edifice which was ruined in the fire in the XIX century. Nearby is the church treasury with a rich fund of icons, artistic crafts, documents and church gowns. The church owns other numerous valuable things which were mostly given by the wealthy Kotor families.

St Nicholas Church in Kotor
St Nicholas Church in Kotor

The church of Sveti Luka is also situated in the old town. It was built during the reign of the Serbian dynasty Nemanjic, at the en of the XII century. Until the middle of the XVII century the church of Sveti Luka was the main catholic temple, in order for it to become an Orthodox Church facility after the war with the Turks. It turned into an Orthodox Church because the number of the Orthodox people in Kotor suddenly increased. Still, catholic believers had their altar in that temple until the first half of the XIX century.

Church of Saint Luke, Kotor
Church of Saint Luke, Kotor

In the middle part of the Old town there is church Sveti Mihailo (St. Michael), which has the present day appearance from the end of the XIV century. The archeological remains show that on the place of the today’s church of Sveti Mihailo, there used to be a significantly larger edifice in the XII century. In the east part of Old Kotor, is church of Sveta Ana. Considering the fact that it was added onto several times, it can not be determined precisely when was it built. The experts for the reconstruction of the old edifices have still managed to some to the record that the older part of the church of Sveta Ana, was built in XIII century, and the newer one in the XIV century. The church is characterized by several saints to whom it was dedicated: Sevti Martin, Sveta Venerada and today Sveta Ana.

The interior of the Old town in Kotor is characteristic by the famous church of Sveta Marija Koledjate (The Lady of Health), in Kotor more famous by the name Sveta Ozana. It was built at the beginning of the XIII century. During the centuries it had several changes. Under that church researchers have discovered the oldest archeological edifice that was ever found – an early Christian basilica from the VI century A.D. Among the numerous monuments, in Old town of Kotor, there are also churches of Sveti Josip (St. Joseph), Gospa od Andjela (Lady of Angels), and Sveti Pavle (St. Pavli).

The Lady of Health church, Kotor Trees square
The Lady of Health church, Kotor Trees square

To the monuments in the Old town of Kotor we should add a city tower which originates from the XVII century, with the pillory in front of it, and a clock mechanism which is a part of the edifice. Nearby the tower is also the Tower of the city watch. Prince’s palace, and the City Theatre, which was the first theatre that started to work in the XIX century on the Balkans.

Kotor Palaces

Kotor is famous by numerous palaces, which are characteristic by the Romanic and baroque ornaments, wall decorations and a great number of the heraldry of the families by whom the palaces got their names or to whom they belonged to.

Among numerous palaces we have some that stand out. Palace Bizanti, in the Romanic style, is situated next to the Tower of the City watch, and it originates from the XIV century. Baroque palace Grgurin, is found in the central part of the Old town. It was built at the beginning of the XVIII century. The famous Kotor family Buca, has built a palace Buca in the XIV century, which during the centuries has been added onto several times, and later it belonged to the family Pskvali. In the vicinity we also have one of the most noble city houses, which originate from the XIV century, palace Vrakjen. That palace mostly retained its original appearance. In the vicinity of the cathedral Sveti Tripun is palace Drago, which was built in the Xv century, in baroque and Gothic style. Still, according to the opinion of many people, the most beautiful Kotor palace is the palace Pima, which is characteristic by its Gothic style, and some baroque elements. Pima family, which owned the same named palace, lived in Kotor from Xiv to XVIII century. The present day appearance palace got at the end of the XVII century.