
Cathedral of Sveti Tripun (St. Tripun) is located in Kotor, in the very center of the Old town. Kotor nobleman, Andrija Saracenus of which testifies the emperor writer Constantine Porpfrogenit, raised smaller church in honor of Sveti Tripun and after the devastating earthquake in 1979 the remains of this church have been found. It is thought that that church disappeared in fire, and that the new cathedral was built in XII century. Today it is known that this cathedral was built in 1166, in the place where at the beginning of IX century there used to be a smaller church which was dedicated to this same saint, and which was made in Roman style. In the devastating earthquake, which occurred in XVI century, the cathedral suffered great damages. The renewal happened in the period between 1584 and 1613, and the interior of the church at that point got the renascence baroque appearance. In the last renewal which happened after that last devastating earthquake in these areas in 1979, some elements of the cathedral got its original appearance, that is, the one which cathedral had when it was built in 1166.

St. Tryphon Cathedral in Kotor
St. Tryphon Cathedral in Kotor

This cathedral is known by the big treasury, which it has, because at the same time it is one of the oldest ones in the territory of Europe. Frescoes with which the cathedral has been painted with date from XIV century. In the interior of the church there is a stone ornament above the main altar on which one can see the painted life of Sveti Tripun, as well as the silver gilded relief of the saints. In this cathedral lie the relics of Sveti Tripun, in the coffin made of silver. What is important for tourists to know is that the relics of Sveti Tripun (St. Tripun), who otherwise is the protector of Kotor, at the beginning of IX century, more precisely in 809, were brought from Carigrad (Istanbul), and until the cathedral was built they were placed in a small Kotor church. The legend tells us that Kotor Navy took part in the welcoming of the relics of this saint, and the participation of Boka Navy in celebration of this important festivity was kept until nowadays.

In the treasury of cathedral of Sveti Tripun (St. Tripun) one can also find the silver hand and a cross, which have been decorated with the ornaments and relief figures. You can also find a ciborium from the original church from the second half of XIV century. The new ciborium dates from the second half of XIV century and it is thought that it is a piece of work of the student of friar Vito Kotoranin (Vito from Kotor). Then there are also various Gothic sculptures, four marble altars from XVIII century which were made in Venice, silver golden rake which is a great piece of work of medieval Kotor’s goldsmith, as well as some famous work of Kotor housewives which were made in technique of Doborta embroidery.

Tripundan (Day of Sveti Tripun) is one of the most important festivities held in Kotor, and in Boka in general. This festivity is held in Kotor since the beginning of IX century, when the relics of this saint were brought to Kotor. These festivities are related to Sveti Tripun who died suffering in the time of Roman emperor Decius in III century.

Bishopric is the oldest institution in Kotor. Present building of the bishopric is located immediately next to the cathedral of Sveti Tripun (St. Tripun), and it belonged to famous family Drago.

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