
During the visit to Kotor you should by all means visit the fortress St. John (Sveti Ivan). It is situated above the city walls of the Kotor’s Old town. Climbing up to the fortress St. John, or San Giovanni as people from Kotor like to call it, starts with the serpentines from the east part of the Kotor old Town, which go to the very top of the fortress on 280m above sea level. Before you set yourself to climb towards the fortress we suggest that you take your camera with yourself, because the pictures of Kotor old town and Kotor bay which you will see can not be described in words, but instead they have to be first, experienced, and then pictured. While you are climbing you can enjoy the sights of the Old town of Kotor.

Stairs to San Giovanni Fortress, above Kotor Old Town
Stairs to San Giovanni Fortress, above Kotor Old Town

Another reason because of which you have to visit fortress San Giovanni is the fantastic view of the entire Kotor bay. The pictures of the Kotor harbor will also remain in your memory, which during the summer is usually filled with luxurious boats, yachts, sail boats etc.

Beside the serpentines by which you reach the San Giovanni fortress, there are few resting places for those who are not in a good shape. A special indulgence will be the visit to the fortress during the hot summer days. However, city walls are illuminated with special lights during night which will make the visit of the San Giovanni fortress, and Kotor much more interesting to the guests and tourists.

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